On a hacktivist website RGB-TEAM an archive with data from PJSC Gazprom has appeared
There are three files in the ~12 MB archive:
- 100к_FIO_places.txt, contains fields “id” “creation_date” “last_modified_date” “removal_date” “removed” “title” “case_id” “city_phone” “date_of_birth” “email” “first_name” “home_phone” “internal_phone” “is_employee_locked” “last_name” “login” “middle_name” “mobile_phone” “num_” “password_change_date” “password_must_be_changed” “password” “post” “private_code” “author_id” “system_icon_id” “parent_id” “timezone” “dn” “lastlogindate” “idholder” “journey” “room” “headou” “post element” “location” “immheaduser” “comment_author_alias” “is_employee_for_integration” “vip” “employee$latestnotice” “code” “sys_branch_id” “needsendevents” “totalvaluejson” “apiaccesskey” “serializeddata” “accesskey” “integrationg” “expirationdate” “expirationdate_i” “total selection” “externalsystem” and the data is not older 2022 year
- 100к_FIO_emails_positions.txt, contains fields “title” “city_phone” “date_of_birth” “email” “home_phone” “internal_phone” “login” “mobile_phone” “post” “dn” “room”.
- 20к_phones_FIO_emails.txt, contains fields: “client_email” “client_name” “client_phone”
Monitor data relevance, at the moment it is not possible. Because. the archive appeared recently and there is practically no analysis data
Still in the account RGB-TEAM the following information leaks:
- Prosecutor General's Office of Russia
- Kaspersky Lab Club databases